Open Your Mind and Uncover Your Secret Genius

Unlock Your Senses

Your senses hold the key to your potential and your future.

Reveal Your Genius

Art, Science, and Nature reveal who you truly are.

Achieve More

Accelerate your life and your growth.

Understanding the world through our senses is one of the most fundamental things that makes us human. Through our senses we interpret the world around us and understand how things work. Some people go their whole lives without being aware of their sensory gifts or challenges which can make the world fun or difficult to navigate. The Secret Genius Project uses art, science, and nature to help unlock your sensory skills and enhance the ones you already have. We combine the art of practice and expertise with the knowledge of up to date and current science in order to provide our clients the best possible outcome. Learn to use your creativity to unlock your own Secret Genius.

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The Secret Genius of Sensory Processing


Experts in unlocking sensory genius

Sensory Processing doesn't have to be debilitating - Whether your a parent of a child with sensory processing issues or an adult that needs answers, sensory processing doesn't have to be a struggle. In fact, it can be the #1 thing that catapults your life forward.



More Capable

Than You Realize

Why not instead learn how to USE your processing "issues" to your advantage? It's much easier than you think to unlock your secret genius using them. Sensory "issues" aren't really issues at all. They're just your body's way of trying to get you to see the world differently.

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To Become

Our revolutionary approach to the secret genius that lies in all of us is helping those who thought they had no hope. Your secret genius goes beyond learning how to use your senses to your advantage. The Secret Genius Project is here to help unlock your full human potential in memory, overcoming betrayal, health, wellness, and so much more.

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Meet Donna

Donna Redman

Founder and Visionary Behind The Secret Genius Project

The Secret Genius Project is a collection of programs that helps you unlock your full potential. By understanding the intersection of art, science, and nature your Secret Genius can unfold in ways you never thought possible. Donna Redman discovered the ideas behind The Secret Genius after observing human behavior in both adults and children. The Secret Genius of Sensory Processing in collaboration with Cynthia Duffy, a veteran occupational therapist, allows those with sensory processing challenges, including those with autism, adhd, or any other neurodivergent condition; to leverage those sensitivities to their advantage. By understanding how to use their senses in a way that benefits themselves, their quality of life and productivity increase exponentially. If you’re interested in how The Secret Genius of Sensory Processing works please check out our programs. For media inquiries, please fill out the information request form below.


The Secret Genius of Sensory Processing.

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We're on a mission to help people unlock their secret genius